5.7 fronT roller rePlacemenT - conTinUeD
7) Remove the front roller mounting screws (Figure H).
8) Remove the roller from the running belt (Figure I).
9) Reverse Step 1-8 to install a new front roller.
When you install the new front roller, please make sure the roller housing is parallel
with the tube.
10) Tension the running belt as outlined in Section 2.3.
11) When you run the belt, the flywheel ring may touch ECB magnet and make noise. Please loosen the ECB screw and adjust the flywheel
ring between two magnets and fix screw (Figure K).
fiGUre j
fiGUre k
cHaPTer 5: ParTS rePlacemenT GUiDe
fiGUre H
fiGUre i