MSC-CP64X1E Product Manual
3.10.5 E Command
Routers and MSC-GCP2U32 only
Query or assign matrix routing changes echo enable. A value of 0 disables this feature. A value of 1 will cause
all matrix routing changes to be echoed in the form of an X command: “Xd,s[,l]”. Where 'd' is the destination
number, 's' is the source number and 'l' is the optional level number. This is useful for diagnostic purposes or
automation software which would like to receive synchronous matrix routing state updates.
Enabling this feature may slow down the system significantly during excessive matrix routing changes
(especially when enabled on a serial port interface). Also of note is that this option takes effect only while the
system remains powered (serial port) or for the duration of the connection (TCP/IP telnet sessions). This
command is not supported by the HTTP web command interface.
Query matrix echo enable.
E 0 | 1
Set matrix echo enable (0 to disable, 1 to enable).
Examples to query and then enable matrix echo
>E 1
3.10.6 Firmware Command
Superseded by the
Query the system firmware series and version.
Pyxis 1.1.7
3.10.7 FrameIP Command
Superseded by the
Query or assign the remote router IP address. Usually only used on Remote Panel devices or in conjunction
with the
to create a dual router 3D system. Sets the IP address of the Router system
which the button panel will connect to and control (or which the router will synchronize to when using the
RemoteSync command). This can also be enabled on Router systems with a local button panel to configure the
Router's panel to control a different Router (set to by default to disable remote control and control the
Router device itself). This setting is saved and recalled on power up.
Query IP address of remote Router system to control.
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