Installation and Operating Instructions for
Alliance Series Anion Combination Systems
Model #:
____ MP-CSU-20T
Softener and URANIUM
____ MP-CSU-30T
Softener and URANIUM
____ MP-CSU-40T
Softener and URANIUM
____ MP-CST-20T
Softener and Tannin
____ MP-CST-30T
Softener and Tannin
____ MP-CST-40T
Softener and Tannin
____ MP-CSN-20T
Softener and Nitrate
____ MP-CSN-30T
Softener and Nitrate
____ MP-CSN-40T
Softener and Nitrate
Shipping Carton Description:
Mineral tank
Distributor pipe installed
Brine tank
464 shutoff assembly
Control Valve
Control valve, bypass valve, and tailpiece kit
½ CF Boxes
*Note:The 20/30 units have Vortech and do not require gravel.
System Description:
The anion resin combination units have an MPMCA100 top mounted
automatic control valve with an impulse meter to initiate regeneration.
The Valve is constructed of non-corrosive Noryl
material and is
rated at a maximum working water pressure of 100 psi. It uses a
microprocessor based timer in conjunction with an internal impulse
meter to actuate regeneration in the following ways:
a. Microprocessor based water meter to initiate regeneration
b. Manual regeneration button to start an emergency
c. Calendar day override
Note: This combo is not intended to be used for treating water
that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without
adequate disinfection whether before or after the system