The low address is stored in CV 1. The maximum value is “127”. In addition bit5 in CV 29 must be “off” (value
The high address is divided into two values and is stored in CV17 and CV18. In addition bit5 in CV29 must be
set to “on”.
The long address must be calculated as follows:
CV17 = address / 256 (store only the whole-numbered value)
CV18 = address – (CV17 x 256)
In case you want to calculate the locomotive address “3005”, please proceed as follows:
Step 1: 3005 / 256 = 11.74 , so CV17 will be “11”
Step 2: 3005 – (11 x 256) = 3005 – 2816 = “189”
Consequently you have to program CV17 with “11” and CV18 with “189”.
Current digital systems (e.g. the DiMAX-System) offer a comfortable programming method of the addresses.
All CVs including CV29 are being calculated automatically and programmed at the same time when using the
function “Loco Address Programming”. The original address setting of the eMOTION XLS Sound Decoder is
“3”. In case of a decoder reset the address will be reset to this value.
5.2.Serial and Parallel Data Transfer
The factory
setting of the eMOTION XLS Sound Decoder enables both serial and parallel data transfer making
the decoder compatible to all NMRA/DCC systems. The serial data transfer may be disabled to eliminate the
short waiting time of about ½ second when using F1. The F1 function will be triggered instantly.
Pulse generator (sound synchronization with the wheel cycle)
The eMOTION XLS Sound Decoder may be synchronized directly with the revolutions of the locomotive
wheels. The installation of the pulse generator in the model varies with the type of model and may be done on
different axles. Three CVs are utilized to define the synchronization setting.
5.3.Reset functions
In case the settings of your eMOTION XLS Sound Decoder are messed up or obscure, you may reset the
decoder to the manufacturer’s settings by using specific CV values. A distinctive feature of the eMOTION XLS
Sound Decoder is that you can reset a specific part of the decoder without changing the remaining parts. The
CVs are combined to function groups and reset as a group. You may reset the driving characteristics, the light
functions, or sound settings separately. Please find detailed information about the reset functions of the
eMOTION XLS Sound Decoder in the CV-table.
6.CV - table (drive-settings)
This table shows the standard settings of eMOTION XLS Sound Decoders. An = Analog
CV Description
Default An Value Note
1 Loco Address (Standard Short)
1 - 127
2 Starting Voltage
1 - 255 CV2 x (1/255 track voltage)
3 Acceleration Time
√ 1 - 255 CV3 x 2ms x (1/255 track
4 Braking Time
√ 1 - 255 CV4 x 2ms x (1/255 track
5 Top Speed
√ 1 - 255 CV5 x (1/255 track voltage)
6 Mid Speed
1 - 255 CV6 x (1/255 track voltage)
eMOTION XLS Sound Decoder 19