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REF NO: m25A/om/101
Issue No: 11 Filter Time (ms):
The Filter Time is the length of time that a newly changed input to some
channel should last for before it is accepted as a valid input.
It is used to eliminate input noise. If the filter time is zero then there is no filter
on this channel. Maximum writable frequency is 65535 mSec.
The factory default value is “0ms”.
Flowchart: Debounce Time (ms):
Debouncing can be applied for all input functions and prevents the processing
of fast input state changes, like those caused by contact bouncing. Signal
changes are ignored according to the filter type and time applied. This filter
time values range from 0 ...65535 milliseconds; a 0 value deactivates
Debounce filtering. The selection of Debounce filter time write registers
40067. Chatter Mode Count:
Only applies to event & counter inputs. It limits the number of registered
events to a configurable count during a configurable time. The goal is to