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REF NO: m25A/om/101
Issue No: 11
Default Gateway IP Address
: A default gateway is a node (a router) on a
computer network that serves as an access point to another network. In
enterprises, however, the gateway is the computer that routes the traffic from
a PC to the outside network that is serving the Web pages. It is only
necessary to configure the default gateway IP address if the PC that is
accessing the MINT CP is on a different network.
Note-Factory Set
Subnet Mask
: In computer networks, a subnet work or subnet is a range of
logical addresses within the address space that is assigned to an
organization. The subnet mask is used to inform the MINT CP that it must
send its replies to the gateway if the IP address of the PC is on a different
network. When the
subnet mask is set to “” then it is effectively
disabled and the default gateway is not used. A typical subnet mask would be
Note-Factory Set
Restore factory defaults
option is will restore all the IP, gateway and subnet
mask to their default value.
3.1.6 Functional block
3.2 Data addressing and memory mapping
3.2.1 Configuration for mINT-IOs
Configured mint IOs are addressed according to their variables, which are
represent whether read or write. Each variable occupies 5 addresses. For all
variables, base address is 44001. MINT CP can handle either 100 Queries
maximum or 1024 Read + 1024 write registers.