Model: MC-1-M (2U)
Doc. Ref. no. : m05/om/101
Issue no. 14
User’s Manual
9. Unit Setup Configuration
GPS Master Clock Model MC-1-M
of serial port COM2 (Except time zone
as well as Event Mode through its 8 key keypad.
The communication parameters include baud rate, number of stop bits and parity.
The user is free to choose either NGTS or T
The LCD Display Format includes Hour Mode and Time Format (UTC/LOCAL).
The Event Mode can be either one event per minute or per hour.
Configuring four additional Events & Event On time.
The parameters configurable through the keypad will have the same possible va
configurable through the COMM2.
Following are the list of keys & their functions on the front panel of GPS.
To Display help about every
Scroll between various parameters in ascending order.
Scroll between various parameters in descending order.
To select various available
To select various available options for the particular parameter.
There are two passwords for configuring
user-defined password (0001 to 9999.), which can be changed by the user. By
is ‘0001’. Another is Immortal Password that cannot be changed by any user and it kept confidential to
Masibus Service Engineers. Users ar
Password of configuration through keypad and password of configuration
through serial terminal are independent.
It is operator’s responsibility to remember the configured
changed from factory set password.
It is necessary to press OK key after changing any previous configuration
through keypad, failing of which the particular parameter will restore to its
previous setting.
Unit Setup Configuration
M offers facility to the users for configuring communication parameters
of serial port COM2 (Except time zone Z option), Time format Option of COM2, Display Format on LCD
as well as Event Mode through its 8 key keypad.
The communication parameters include baud rate, number of stop bits and parity.
The user is free to choose either NGTS or T-Format on COM2.
Display Format includes Hour Mode and Time Format (UTC/LOCAL).
The Event Mode can be either one event per minute or per hour.
Configuring four additional Events & Event On time.
The parameters configurable through the keypad will have the same possible va
configurable through the COMM2.
Figure 9.1: Front Panel Keypad Layout
Following are the list of keys & their functions on the front panel of GPS.
For Entering into Configuration mode.
To Display help about every parameter configurations.
To save the final Configurations.
To come back into Run mode.
Scroll between various parameters in ascending order.
Scroll between various parameters in descending order.
To select various available options for the particular parameter.
To select various available options for the particular parameter.
Table 9.1: Key Functions
There are two passwords for configuring GPS Master Clock Model MC-1-M through
defined password (0001 to 9999.), which can be changed by the user. By factory set
’. Another is Immortal Password that cannot be changed by any user and it kept confidential to
Masibus Service Engineers. Users are recommended to change the user-defined password
Password of configuration through keypad and password of configuration
through serial terminal are independent.
It is operator’s responsibility to remember the configured
changed from factory set password.
It is necessary to press OK key after changing any previous configuration
through keypad, failing of which the particular parameter will restore to its
previous setting.
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offers facility to the users for configuring communication parameters
option), Time format Option of COM2, Display Format on LCD
The communication parameters include baud rate, number of stop bits and parity.
The parameters configurable through the keypad will have the same possible values as
parameter configurations.
Scroll between various parameters in ascending order.
Scroll between various parameters in descending order.
options for the particular parameter.
To select various available options for the particular parameter.
through keypad. One is
factory set, this password
’. Another is Immortal Password that cannot be changed by any user and it kept confidential to
defined password as per there
Password of configuration through keypad and password of configuration
It is operator’s responsibility to remember the configured password if it is
It is necessary to press OK key after changing any previous configuration
through keypad, failing of which the particular parameter will restore to its