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Installation Manual LOGS50 EN_MI_090221
process it correctly. More than one register task is allowed within one
configuration of the logger with different or same variables.
It is necessary to program a reading task of the variables to be registered
before any register task, since a register task does not imply a new
reading of the variables. The register task just takes the assigned values
to that variable from the internal registers of the logger, but not refresh
It is possible to send an SMS alarm by event or by time repetition pattern. An
alarm can be linked, with a certain happening or with certain periodicity, to the
sending of a SMS message constructed with a determined text string and
addressed to specified addressee(s). The alarm history log keeps a record with
the content of the transmitting message the moment the event that unchained
the task occurs. The message is dynamically generated along with the following
Alarm codification type
Static text string defined in the configuration of the logger.
Date and time of the alarm in the format of: “DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss”
The system checks the message has been delivered to the network server, but
not if the addressee has received it. The SMS delivery to the final addressee is
the duty of the mobile phone company. In any case, LOGS50 makes three
attempts to send the alarm; if the three attempts failed then the logger would
record that fact in the alarm history log.
This type of task or any other task involving mobile communications it is
performed in master mode and will always have priority over the communication
window in order to allow the system to send notifications as soon as possible.
Therefore, if the LOGS50 were with the communication window open and the
moment for sending arrived, the system would make that sending and after
having completed it, the logger would return to the “listening state” if the
communication window time would not have yet expired.
It is possible to send the value(s) of variable(s) recorded via SMS message by
event or by time repetition pattern. An alarm can be linked, with a certain
happening or with certain periodicity, to the sending of a SMS message
constructed with a determined text string and addressed to specified
addressee(s). The alarm history log keeps a record with the content of the
transmitting message the moment the event that triggers the task occurs. The
message is dynamically generated along with the following info:
Alarm codification type