The brake cable must never touch the crown and stanchions.
Warnings: Assembling the fender
The fender can be supplied with the fork or purchased separately.
Fender (
) must be assembled by placing the small support bush (
) between the screw and the fender
as shown and by tightening screws (
) with an 8mm fixed spanner to the recommended tightening torque
6 Nm ±1
Warnings: Assembling the wheel
For a correct operation of the fork, install the wheel as explained below:
Align the center of the wheel with each wheel axle clamp.
Insert the wheel axle (
) through the right dropout, the wheel and the left dropout.
With the 6mm Allen wrench act on cap (
) and tighten the wheel axle to the recommended tightening
torque (
15 Nm ± 1
Check for the proper fork-wheel alignment. To do this, begin by fully compressing the fork a few times.
The wheel should not make contact with, or come close to any portion of the fork.
Then lift the front of the bicycle and spin the wheel a few times to verify the correct alignment with the
disk brake. The wheel should not wobble from side to side or up and down. Check the owner’s manual of
the brake system for the proper specifications.
With a 4mm Allen wrench, tighten screws (
) on both dropouts to the recommended tightening torque (
Nm ±1
) following the sequence 1-2-1.
Dismantling: Removing the top caps
© Marzocchi Suspension
66 SL