Instruction Manual Mi 170 Bench Meter
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EC calibration is a one-point procedure. Selectable calibration points are 0.00 μS for
offset and 84.0 μS, 1413 μS, 5.00 mS, 12.88 mS, 80.0 mS, 111.8 mS for slope.
Rinse the probe with calibration solution or deionized water. Immerse the probe into the
solution. The sleeve holes must be completely submerged. Tap the probe repeatedly to
remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve.
To enter EC calibration, select the EC range and press CAL.
Note: The TDS reading is automatically derived from the EC reading and no specific
calibration for TDS is needed. Pressing CAL when TDS range is selected has no
zero calibration
, just leave the dry probe in the air. This calibration is performed in order
to correct the reading around 0.00 μS. The slope is evaluated when the calibration is
performed in any other point.
The primary LCD will display the EC reading and the secondary LCD will display the
closest calibration solution, along with “CALIBRATION” tag. The “WAIT” tag will blink
until the reading is stable.
When the reading is stable and close to the selected calibration solution, “READY” and
“ACCEPT” tags will blink on the LCD.