Voltage Accuracy:
± 4 %
Frequency Accuracy:
± 4 %
Temperature Range:
-10° to 40° C at max
80 % Relative Humidity
145 x 85 x 53mm + Cable
240g plus cable plus case
Power supply:
From mains
Power consumption:
< 1.6 W
Overvoltage category:
Cat III/ 300V
Pollution degree:
Supplied with:
zip carry case, mains lead & instructions
* Note:
-Measurement accuracy can be affected by highly inductive or capacitive
components distributed on the supply (see section 3.3.7).
3.1 Precautions
The E-ZeTest EZ2500 has been designed with your safety in mind, but please
pay attention to the following warnings and cautions before using the unit.
Before use check the E-ZeTest EZ2500 for cracks or any other damage. Make
sure the unit is free from dust, grease and moisture. Also check any associated
leads for damage. Do not use if damaged.
If the E-ZeTest EZ2500 does not power-up, or no messages appear on the LCD,
this does not necessarily mean the circuit under test is dead. The phase supply
may still be live, but the earth and neutral lines could both be open circuit. Always
investigate such conditions with suitable care.
Always verify the E-ZeTest EZ2500 is in good working order before use, by
testing it on a known correctly wired socket.
Avoid severe mechanical shock or vibration and extreme temperature.
3.2 Description of Display
The E-ZeTest EZ2500 uses a two-row dot-matrix LCD to indicate mains voltage
level, correctness of socket wiring and earth loop impedance, and to indicate a
series of fault conditions that may exist.
See Table 3.4 for full list of messages and their inter-relationship.
3.3.6 RCD in the Circuit Under Test
The E-ZeTest EZ2500 should not trip RCD's during the testing of wiring with
in-circuit RCD's.
however, that many modern products have a constant low level of earth
leakage, to ensure that noise and stored charge is dissipated, for example, 3mA
earth leakage is typical for a desk-top computer.
also, that a 30mA RCD is guaranteed to trip at 30mA earth leakage, should
not trip at 15mA, but is very likely to trip with earth leakage currents above 22mA.
Therefore, caution should be exercised where earth leakage currents inherent in
the circuit under test are approaching the trip threshold of the in-circuit RCD, for
example where several computers are all connected to one ring circuit fitted with
a 30mA RCD.
Where tripping of the RCD may have a critical impact on the equipment
connected to the supply, the RCD should be bridged temporarily during the test.
Ensure any bridging links are removed immediately the tests are completed.
3.3.7 Possible Measurement Errors of Earth Loop Impedance
Where supply circuits under test have highly inductive or capacitive components
distributed on that circuit (such as mains filters), or there is an excessive amount
of mains disturbance present (e.g. motors running, rain shorting exposed wires,
or a generator with high inductance supplying power, etc), it is possible the
Phase Neutral and Earth Loop Impedance measurement could be adversely
The message PN CIRCUIT NOISE is displayed to indicate noise on the Phase
Neutral wires. The message PE CIRCUIT NOISE is displayed to indicate noise
on the Phase Earth wires. If the noise levels on Phase Earth are not adversely
too high, an estimated Phase Earth Impedance measurement is displayed
together with a circuit noise warning.
When noise is a factor, always aim to physically unplug as many devices as
possible from the circuit before taking measurements to minimise inductive,
capacitive and noise related effects.