Charge Regulator
Installation and Operation
User Programming
Default Settings
The following settings are factory programmed :-
1.Backlight on LCD display
-remains illuminated for 60 seconds
2.Charge Level ( maximum voltage per cell )
-2.400 V / Cell *
3.Button Illumination ( on / off )
4.Restore Factory Settings
We strongly recommend retaining these at all times.
Note -A delay of 30 seconds in the
reprogramming procedure will automatically return normal operating mode without saving changes.
To change programmed settings press the back light button for 3 seconds continuously to begin the
sequence of reprogramming options. The Software version & serial number briefly appears. Press
the back light button once within the next 5 seconds to go to the first option below. (
to do so returns you to the normal working mode )
Press the UP button to increase the time or DOWN button to decrease
the time in 10 second steps. Press OK to confirm the change and move
to the next step.
2.Max V/Cell *
Press the UP button to increase voltage or DOWN button to decrease
@ 25° C
voltage. Press OK to confirm the change and move to the next step.
3.Button Illumination.
Press the top button to toggle between ON and OFF. Press OK to
confirm the change and move to the next step.
4.Restore Factory Setting. Default is YES. Toggle to NO and press OK to save the changes made.
Or Press OK and factory settings are restored.
Note : At any time in reprogramming procedure, if no button is pressed for 30 seconds then normal
operation is returned without any changes being saved.
It is not recommended that this value be changed for all lead-acid batteries. Temperature
compensation adjusts charging level to optimise it for the ambient temperature of the
battery bank(s). The external temperature sensor should be placed on or near to the battery
bank(s) where possible and may be attached to a battery lead for convenience.
Operating Principles
Nominal Battery Voltage at 25°C
Maximum Float Voltage at 25°C
Maximum Bulk Voltage at 25°C *
Regulator protects batteries from overcharge. It uses pulse width modulation and
multi-stage charge technology to maximise the power delivered to and retained in the battery. In the
bulk/absorption phase
all the available wind and solar power is used to charge the battery as quickly
as possible. The
float phase
ensures charge is maintained whilst minimising gassing thus prolonging
battery life. Some discharging of the battery recommences this cycle.
The temperature compensation feature automatically adjusts the voltage regulation settings according
to deviations of ambient temperature from 25°C. The pre-programmed settings are suitable for lead
acid, AGM (absorbed glass matt) and most Gel type batteries.
Default settings are: