Activities that require use of this product can often be dangerous. Therefore, always ob-
serve the hazard warnings and safety notices in these instructions. Please contact us if
you have any doubts about anything or find the information difficult to understand.
3.1 Intended use
This product may only be used for people, i.e. to enable them to descend or be res-
or to protect them against falling from a height.
• This product may only be used for the purpose described in this instruction manual
and only in conjunction with tested (certified) and approved accessories that meet
the applicable technical standards for PPE and the requirements of the Austrian PPE
Safety Regulation. It must not be combined with other non-approved accessories, as
this could put your safety at risk.
Using this product without first reading the instruction manual can result in acci-
dents that can lead to severe injury or even death.
• Read through the instruction manual carefully before you use this product.
• Please contact MARK Save A Life or a competent person if you have any doubts
about anything or find the information difficult to understand.
Using this product without first inspecting it for damage and function can lead to
severe or fatal injury.
• Inspect this product for proper function before and after each use.
• If you think this product is no longer safe, you must not continue to use it.
This product can be used in a variety of ways in different situations. In order to master
all these possibilities, the user must be well briefed by a professional, competent person
who has been specifically trained in this product.
3.1.1 Anchor device according to EN 795 Class A1
The MARK Gekko anchor point is intended for use as an anchor device in conjunction
with personal protective equipment (PPE) recommended by MARK Save A Life.
3.1.2 Multiple use
The MARK Gekko anchor point is also suitable and approved for multiple use. If the
anchor point is removed carefully after having been used, it can then be reused later in
another location.
The anchor point must be inspected by a competent person before being installed
The product must be re-installed according to the MARK Gekko Vario installation
instructions. Always create a corresponding installation report each time the product is
3.2 Anchor point
Attachment to the anchor point
If a person is not connected to the anchor point properly, then a fall from a height
can result in severe injury or even death.
• Inspect the anchor point at least once a year.
• Only use anchor points that meet the applicable technical standards for PPE and the
requirements of the Austrian PPE Safety Regulation.
Anchor points are needed in locations where people may fall from a height. The de-
signers or constructors of buildings or installations are responsible for positioning the
anchor points, which must be done according to the applicable statutory regulations,
standards and guidelines that apply.
The structural fabric of the building or installation must be suitable for the intended
load-bearing capacity. According to standards, the following (static) loads are introduced
into the structure via anchor points:
• Restraint system 4 kN
• Fall arrest system 10 kN
3.3 Service life and duration of use
In principle, this product has an unlimited service life. In practice, however, its duration
of use depends on several factors. Extreme operating conditions, environmental factors,
contamination, damage, storage and transport can all affect the service life of this
The product features a fall indicator, which clearly shows whether the anchor device has
been subjected to the stress of a fall and must therefore be disposed of as per Point 8.
The visual and functional inspection described in Point 7.1 shows every user whether
the anchor device has been deformed by a previous fall and therefore can no longer be
If the anchor point buckle will no longer engage easily in its home position or move
easily from its home position to its working position, then the anchor device has been
deformed by a previous fall and must no longer be used.
If it seems unsafe to continue using this product, you must not use it again under any
circumstances; instead, ensure it can no longer be used and replace it with a new anchor