10.2 Access to work platform
It is compulsory to access the work platform inside the tower, the uprights on the side support
frames composing the access ladder. People responsible for using the mobile access tower
must use a fall-proof device connected to the safety harness that limits free falling to no more
than 0.70 metres. This device must slide along a rope anchored on top of the last upright of the
last side support frame and under the wheel support block of the base section. The fall-proof
device, the safety harness and the holding rope must be certified.
10.3 Information completion
For further information, precisely:
capacities / number of surfaces simultaneously loaded / identification of parts / assembly
and dismantling / stability / use / control / care and maintenance, the specifications in the
Instructions Manual EN 1298 IM-itxen attached apply, with the various limitations described in
the previous points 3.1 - 3.2 and 4.