Mantracourt Electronics Limited
PSDS User Manual
Measure Value
Select whether to display the on chart tool for measuring the value between two vertical points
on the chart. This is made much easier if the chart is paused.
Nothing is displayed.
The Measure Value tool is displayed.
A horizontal shaded box will appear and the top and bottom can be dragged with
the mouse to cover the desired part of the chart. The min and max values along
with the actual difference between the two are displayed.
Show Min/Max
Select whether to show lines to indicate the minimum and maximum value in the chart data.
Nothing is displayed.
Min and max (Of the currently viewed data) lines are shown in red and green
Load Log File
Opens a file dialog to allow you to select a previously logged data file. This file data will be
loaded into the chart and can be viewed with all the tools available.
The button caption will change to
Back To Realtime Chart
after the file has loaded.
Clear Chart
Clear all data from the chart.
Reset View
Returns the chart to its default view and zoom level after zooming or panning the chart.
Back To
Realtime Chart
This is what the caption of the
Load Log File
button changes to while a logged file is opened
in the chart.
Clicking the button will revert the chart to showing real-time data.