Set-Up Instructions
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Movement of the screen frame in the “X” axis is accom-
plished by use of the large knob located on the right side of
the micro-registration assembly (Figure 17).
Movement of the screen frame in the front to back, or “Y”
axis is accomplished by use of the large knobs located on
both sides of each screen holder assembly. When the
screen frame is in the desired position for color to color reg-
istration, lock the two plastic adjustment handles once
again (Figure 18).
Each of the screen frame holder assemblies includes an
adjustment for the amount of tension which holds the screen
frame holder in the raised, or stand-by position. The spring
tension for each of the screen frame holders may be adjust-
ed by means of a plastic adjustment handle located at the
extreme rear of the screen holder assembly. To adjust the
spring return tension, pull the plastic handle back and turn
the handle clockwise to increase tension. To decrease the
tension, turn the handle counterclockwise (Figure 19).
The height of the screen frames when in the raised, or
stand-by position may be changed by means of a slide
adjustment located at the rear of the micro-registration
assembly on each print head. To adjust the stand-by or
raised screen frame height, simply slide the adjustment
plate “IN” towards the center of the index base to increase
the screen frame height, or pull the slide adjustment out
away from the center of the index base to lower the screen
frame height (Figure 20).
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20