Distance Scale
A distance scale is provided on the left side (viewing
the camera held for photographing). By turning the
knob (28), set the distance scale to coincide with the
lens used, so that the scale faces horizontally.
Distance scales for 55mm, 65mm, and 80mm lenses
are indicated in red. Read these scales at the index
position in the window.
D i s t a n c e s c a l e s f o r 105mm, 135mm, 180mm, a n d
2 5 0 m m l e n s e s a r e i n d i c a t e d i n b l a c k . R e a d t h e s e
scales at the front end of the camera body side plate.
Since the flange-focal length varies between the 105
mm F3.5DS or 105mm
F3.5D lens and the ordinary
F3.5 lens, a distance scale is especially provided.
A distance scale marked 105D.DS is used for
DS and 105mmD lenses (There are two types, scaled
in feet or meters.).
A distance scale marked 105 is used for ordinary 105
mm lens (There are two types, scaled in feet or meter.).
Distance graduations of lenses other than the 105mm
lens are all the same.
Replacing the Distance
To remove the distance scale,
at first, fully extend the bellows
by turning the focusing knob,
then remove the scale end cover
by sliding it to the front. Next,
pull out the distance scale after
detaching it from the bearing,
by holding the distance scale
r e v o l v i n g k n o b p o r t i o n w h i l e
pressing in the distance scale
shaft with a pointed, fine wire.
When installing the distance
s c a l e , i n s e r t t h e s h a f t tip op-
posite the revolving knob into
the camera body bearing. In this
case, insert the shaft tip while
pressing the spring located near
the bearing to the inner side, at
the side of the scale. Next, fit
the shaft to the bearing while
pushing in the shaft tip with a
f i n g e r n a i l ; t h e n i n s t a l l t h e
cover as it originally was.
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