Shutter Operations
Using the Multiple Exposure Selector
When the multiple exposure selector triangular
mark is set toward the word “SINGLE,” double
exposures are prevented.
Once the shutter
b u t t o n h a s b e e n d e p r e s s e d , i t c a n o t be
redepressed without first advancing the film.
When the multiple exposure selector triangular
mark is set toward the word “MULTI,” the
shutter button can be depressed repeatedly
of advancing film. This proves con-
venient in the following cases:
1. When multiple exposures are desired.
2. For operations without loaded film (such
as shutter testing).
3. When photographing with the single-ex-
posure attachment.
When photography is suspended by a missing
chance to release the shutter in spite of deeply
depressing the shutter button half way, it rarely
happens that the shutter button cannot be
depressed on the next attempt. In this case,
by setting the mark on “MULTI.” pictures can
be taken without needlessly advancing the film.
Locking the Shutter
By shifting the lock button (4)
toward the letter “L”, the shutter
button is locked. While suspend-
ing photography or the camera is
stored in the case, even though
the shutter has been cocked by
film winding inadvertently releas-
ing the shutter can be prevented.