Before Taking Pictures
Setting the Parallax Correcting Dial
By turning the parallax correcting dial (25), set the dial index to the focal length
of the lens used. Subsequently. while the lens is being extended, the pointer will
appear on the upper, left portion of the focusing screen. The position of this
pointer indicates parallax and the exposure factor.
Correcting parallax:
When the pointer appears on the focusing screen. the upper portion visible above
the pointer will be cut off on the film.
Be sure that the subject is satisfactorily
appears under the lower portion of this pointer. When using the camera on a
tripod, use the Paramender (parallax corrrecting device) to ensure that the camera
photographs the same image viewed on the focusing screen through simple
Compensating exposure:
As distance between the lens and film increases. image brightnea on the film is
reduced even though aperture size remains the same. Consequently, it is necessary
to increase the exposure.
The figures on the focusing screen left side indicate the exposure factor. Com-
pensate the exposure after reading the figure indicated by the pointer while focusing.
For instance. assuming that the correct exposure value measured by an exposure
meter is 1/125 sec. at f/11, compensate the exposure as follows:
If the pointer indicates 2, 1/125 sec., f/8
or 1/60 sec., f/11
If the pointer indicates 3, 1/125 sec., between f/S and f/5.6
or 1/60 sec., between f/11 and f/8
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