II-3-2 Measurement
(1) Turn on the memory unit. After checking the Monitor LED lights up (blue), press the power switch
again, and LED will turn to green. The measurement will start from the time of LED tuning to green.
(2) put the unit into the heat resistant case, and allow it to move together with the object to be measured
in the oven.
(3) After finishing the measurement, open the heat resistant case, press the power switch.
The LED will turn to blue, and finish the measurement (the recording will stop)
For wireless connection, if the Bluetooth settings have completed, communicate with the TMR-1
software directly.
(4) Press the Start button on TMR-1 software, the data list stored in the memory unit is displayed.
(max. 20). Select data from a list, press the OK button, and the data is transferred to a PC.
(5) Please operate TMR-1 according to the TMR-1 instruction manual.
When there are connectors into which insert thermocouples or thermocouples are broken,
Thermocouple checking LED does not light up.
If the LED does not light up even though thermocouples are inserted into connectors, see if they are
not broken.
* When the batteries run down, Battery LED turns green from blue. Exhausted further, the battery
replacement or recharging are necessary.
When the temperature inside the memory unit is high, Monitor LED will light up or blink in red.
Lighting up in red : When the temperature inside the unit reach over 80
, it will light up. Even if it goes
down under 80
, it will keep in red until connecting to PC or turning it off once and
on again.
Blinking in red : After the connection to PC or turning off the unit once and on again, when the
temperature inside is 35
, it will blink in red.