Misprints and printing errors reserved
magnet contact is connected to 3-4. If it is not connected,
the drum will not respond to opening or closing the lid.
Display flashes Red-White:
Dry-running protection is engaged. You can reset this by
pressing the button at the front of the cabinet (drum will
then rinse 1 time) if the float is in upper position again.
7.2.7 Control electronics for drum 100 and Bio-drum
200 with flushing channel connection.
The Bio-drum 200 and Drum 100 have an additional plug
connection for e.g. an additional rinse pump (not
included). This additional plug connection will activate
once per 20 rinses, to spray the flushing channel clean.
This can be adjusted in the Siemens Logo to, for instance,
1x per 5 rinses, etc.
7.3 Connecting the pump-fed system
The Ma-koi drum filters and Bio-drums can also be
connected as a pump-fed system. The water will be
pumped into the filter by the pump. Exits that are not
used must be sealed.
7.3.1 Assembly of float
In this case, you will need to assemble the float upside
down for the drum section (at the inlet) 1
Please note:
The float must be installed in reverse, because here the
circuit is to work reversely. And the upper blue caps must
be removed.
If the water rises for the drum filter, it becomes polluted
and the rinse cycle must be activated. If, in the reversed
situation, the float goes up and stays up, the system
should deactivate after 30 seconds (standard value - this
can be adjusted manually in the electronics), otherwise the
water will flow straight to the sewer, via the flushing
channel, in which case your pond will run empty.
Therefore, the float must be assembled at the right height,
so the system will be deactivated before the water flows
into the flushing channel.
As an additional safety precaution, the 2 caps of the upper
sealed holes must be removed so, in case of a calamity,
the water will continue flowing unfiltered, eliminating the
risk that water is pumped directly into the flushing
Float is
in ‘normal’
position, pond pump is on
Image: 2: Float is
in ‘
position, pond
pump is on. Drum is rotating and rinse pump
is rinsing the cloth clean. If the float remains
in this position for 30 seconds, electronics will