1. To keep a lawn green, soft and attractive, it should be cut regularly without damag-
ing the grass. A lawn can be composed of different types of grass. If the lawn is cut
frequently, grass and roots grow more vigorously, forming a solid grassy bed. If the
lawn is cut is less frequently, higher grass and weeds start growing (plus daisies and
clovers, etc.).
2. It is always better to cut the grass when dry.
3. The blades must be in good condition and well sharpened so that the grass is cut
straight without a ragged edge that leads to yellowing at the ends.
4. The engine must run at full speed, both to ensure a sharp cut of the grass and to
get the necessary thrust to push the cuttings through the collector channel.
5. The frequency of mowing should be in relation to the rate of growth of the grass.
The grass should not be left to grow too much between one cut and the next.
6. During hot and dry periods, the grass should be cut a little higher to prevent the
ground from drying out.
7. The best height of the grass on a
well-kept lawn is approx. 4-5 cm.
With one cut, you do not need to
remove more than a third of the total
If the grass is very tall, it should be cut
twice in a twenty-four hour period - the
first time with the blades at maximum
height, possibly reducing the cutting
width, and the second cut at the
desired height.
8. The appearance of the lawn will improve if you alternate cutting in both directions.
9. If the collector system tends to get blocked with grass, you should reduce the for-
ward speed as it may be too high for the condition of the grass. If the problem per-
sists, the probable causes are either badly sharpened blades or deformed wings.
10. Be very careful when mowing near bushes or kerbs as these could distort the hori-
zontal position of the cutting deck and damage its edge as well as the blades.