T h e f ollow ings sh ow th e sy mbols used f or th e eq uip-
ment. Be sure th at y ou und erstand th eir meaning bef ore
R ead instruc tion manual.
T ake partic ular c are and attention.
W arning! T h e c leaner may c ontain h az -
ard ous d ust.
Nev er stand on th e c leaner.
D ust c lass L ( ligh t) . T h e c leaners are c apa-
ble of pic king up d ust c lass L . F ollow y our
c ountry ' s regulations relating to d usts and
to oc c upational h ealth and saf ety .
O nly f or EU c ountries
D o not d ispose of elec tric eq uipment or
battery pac k togeth er w ith h ouseh old
w aste material! I n observ anc e of th e
European D irec tiv es, on W aste Elec tric
and Elec tronic Eq uipment and Batteries
and A c c umulators and W aste Batteries and
A c c umulators and th eir implementation
in ac c ord anc e w ith national law s, elec tric
eq uipment and batteries and battery
pac k( s) th at h av e reac h ed th e end of
th eir lif e must be c ollec ted separately and
returned to an env ironmentally c ompatible
rec y c ling f ac ility .
Intended use
T h e tool is suitable f or c ommerc ial use, f or ex ample in
hotels, schools, hospitals, factories, shops, offices and
rental businesses.
T h e tool is intend ed f or c ollec ting both w et and d ry d ust.
DVC153L, DVC154L
T h e tool is intend ed f or c ollec ting d ry d ust only .
T h e ty pic al A -w eigh ted noise lev el d etermined ac c ord -
ing to EN6 0335 -2-6 9 :
Model DVC152L
S ound pressure lev el ( L
) : 70 d B( A ) or less
U nc ertainty ( K) : 2.5 d B( A )
Model DVC153L
S ound pressure lev el ( L
) : 70 d B( A ) or less
U nc ertainty ( K) : 2.5 d B( A )
Model DVC154L
S ound pressure lev el ( L
) : 70 d B( A ) or less
U nc ertainty ( K) : 2.5 d B( A )
T h e noise lev el und er w orking may ex c eed 8 0 d B ( A ) .
T h e d ec lared noise emission v alue( s) h as
been measured in ac c ord anc e w ith a stand ard test
meth od and may be used f or c omparing one tool w ith
anoth er.
T h e d ec lared noise emission v alue( s)
may also be used in a preliminary assessment of
ex posure.
ear ear protection.
The noise emission during actual
use of the power tool can differ from the declared val-
ue(s) depending on the ways in which the tool is used
especially what kind of workpiece is processed.
Be sure to identify safety measures
to protect the operator that are based on an estima-
tion of exposure in the actual conditions of use (tak-
ing account of all parts of the operating cycle such
as the times when the tool is switched off and when
it is running idle in addition to the trigger time) .
T h e v ibration total v alue ( tri-ax ial v ec tor sum) d eter-
mined ac c ord ing to EN6 0335 -2-6 9 :
Vibration emission ( a
h ,M
) : 2.5 m/ s
or less
U nc ertainty ( K) : 1 .5 m/ s
T h e d ec lared v ibration total v alue( s) h as been
measured in ac c ord anc e w ith a stand ard test meth od
and may be used f or c omparing one tool w ith anoth er.
T h e d ec lared v ibration total v alue( s) may also
be used in a preliminary assessment of ex posure.
The vibration emission during
actual use of the power tool can differ from the
declared value(s) depending on the ways in which
the tool is used especially what kind of workpiece
is processed.
Be sure to identify safety mea-
sures to protect the operator that are based on an
estimation of exposure in the actual conditions of
use (taking account of all parts of the operating
cycle such as the times when the tool is switched
off and when it is running idle in addition to the
trigger time) .
EC Declaration of Conformity
For European countries only
T h e EC d ec laration of c onf ormity is inc lud ed as A nnex A
to th is instruc tion manual.
Cordless vacuum cleaner safety
all safety warnings and all instructions BEFORE
F ailure to f ollow th e w arnings and instruc tions
may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.
1 .
Before use, make sure that this cleaner must
be used by people who have been adequately
instructed on the use of this cleaner.
If foam/liquid comes out, switch off immediately.
Clean the water level limiting device regularly
and examine it for signs of damage.
Содержание DVC152L
Страница 2: ...2 3 4 5 1 Fig 1 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 2 2 1 Fig 3 1 Fig 4 1 2 Fig 5 1 2 Fig 6 Fig 7 2 ...
Страница 3: ...2 1 3 Fig 8 1 2 3 4 Fig 9 Fig 10 2 1 Fig 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 Fig 12 3 1 2 Fig 13 1 Fig 14 3 ...
Страница 4: ...1 2 Fig 15 2 1 Fig 16 1 Fig 17 Fig 18 Fig 19 Fig 20 Fig 21 Fig 22 4 ...
Страница 5: ...1 Fig 23 2 1 2 1 Fig 24 Fig 25 1 Fig 26 2 1 Fig 27 1 Fig 28 5 ...
Страница 6: ...2 1 2 1 Fig 29 3 2 1 Fig 30 2 1 Fig 31 Fig 32 Fig 33 Fig 34 1 Fig 35 6 ...
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