Overload protection
h en th e tool is operated in a manner th at c auses it to
d raw an abnormally h igh c urrent, th e tool automatic ally
stops w ith out any ind ic ation. I n th is situation, turn th e
tool of f and stop th e applic ation th at c aused th e tool to
bec ome ov erload ed . T h en turn th e tool on to restart.
Overheat protection
W h en th e tool is ov erh eated , th e tool stops automatic ally , and
th e battery ind ic ator blinks about 6 0 sec ond s. I n th is situa-
tion, let th e tool c ool d ow n bef ore turning th e tool on again.
Overdischarge protection
h en th e battery c apac ity bec omes low , th e tool stops
automatic ally . I f th e prod uc t d oes not operate ev en
w h en th e sw itc h es are operated , remov e th e batteries
f rom th e tool and c h arge th e batteries.
Switch action
S tand -by sw itc h
P ow er button
S uc tion
force adjusting knob
T o start th e c leaner:
1 .
S et th e stand -by sw itc h to th e " I " sid e. T h e c leaner
gets into stand -by state.
P ress th e pow er button.
T o make th e c leaner get into stand -by mod e, press th e
pow er button again.
T o turn of f th e c leaner, set th e stand -by sw itc h to th e " O " sid e.
The suction power can be adjusted according to your work need.
S uc tion pow er c an be inc reased by turning th e suc tion f orc e
adjusting knob from the
sy mbol to th e
sy mbol.
A lw ay s set th e stand -by sw itc h to th e " O "
sid e w h en not using th e c leaner f or long time. T h e
c leaner c onsumes pow er d uring stand -by state.
Auto-suction stop during wet
suction operation
Only for the cloth filter model
Do not use for a long time while
the oat is at ork.
Using the cleaner with its float at
w ork f or a long time c an c ause ov erh eat, resulting in
th e c leaner d ef ormation.
Do not pick up foam or soapy
P ic king up f oam or soapy liq uid c an c ause
foam to come out of air exit before the float works.
C ontinuing to using in th is c ond ition may c ause an
elec tric sh oc k and breakage of th e c leaner.
Auto-suction stop works only when using with the float
and float cage.
The cleaner has a float mechanism that prevents water
f rom immersing into th e motor w h en pic king up more
th an a c ertain amount of w ater. W
h en th e tank is f ull
and th e c leaner no longer pic ks up w ater, sw itc h of f th e
c leaner and empty th e tank.
Locking or unlocking the caster
C aster
S topper lev er
F R EE position
L O C K position
L oc king th e c aster is c onv enient w h en storing th e
c leaner, stopping th e w ork on th e w ay and keeping th e
c leaner still.
T o operate th e stopper, mov e it by h and .
T o loc k th e c aster w ith a stopper, low er th e stopper
lev er and th e c aster no longer w ill rotate. T o release th e
c aster f rom th e loc ked position, raise th e stopper lev er.
h en mov ing th e c leaner, make sure th at
th e c aster is unloc ked . Mov ing th e c leaner w ith th e
c aster in th e loc ked position may c ause d amage to
th e c aster.
Carriage handle
h en c arry ing th e c leaner, c arry it by h old ing th e h an-
d le on th e h ead . T h e h and le is retrac table at th e h ead
w h en not in use.
Always be sure that the tool is
switched off and the battery cartridge is removed
before carrying out any work on the tool.
Always wear dust mask during
assembly or maintenance.
Installing the po der lter EPA)
and pre lter for dry dust)
Optional accessory for cloth filter model
Never pick up water or other liq-
uids or et dusts hen using the po der lter.
Picking up such things may cause the powder filter
To use powder filter:
Remove the float cage and float by removing the
F loat
F loat c age
Place the prefilter in the tank with aligning the
mounting position markings.
Mount the damper on the powder filter and then
place them in the prefilter with aligning the mounting
position markings.
F inally , mount th e tank c ov er and loc k it.
T ank c ov er
Powder filter (HEPA)
D amper
T ank
position marking
Before using the po der lter, make
sure that pre lter and damper are al ays used
It is not allowed to install powder filter
solely .
Содержание DVC152L
Страница 2: ...2 3 4 5 1 Fig 1 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 2 2 1 Fig 3 1 Fig 4 1 2 Fig 5 1 2 Fig 6 Fig 7 2 ...
Страница 3: ...2 1 3 Fig 8 1 2 3 4 Fig 9 Fig 10 2 1 Fig 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 Fig 12 3 1 2 Fig 13 1 Fig 14 3 ...
Страница 4: ...1 2 Fig 15 2 1 Fig 16 1 Fig 17 Fig 18 Fig 19 Fig 20 Fig 21 Fig 22 4 ...
Страница 5: ...1 Fig 23 2 1 2 1 Fig 24 Fig 25 1 Fig 26 2 1 Fig 27 1 Fig 28 5 ...
Страница 6: ...2 1 2 1 Fig 29 3 2 1 Fig 30 2 1 Fig 31 Fig 32 Fig 33 Fig 34 1 Fig 35 6 ...
Страница 7: ...Fig 36 7 ...
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