Connecting the hose
Never force the hose for bending or stamp it.
Never move the cleaner by a hose.
F orc ing, stamping and pull-
ing th e h ose may c ause a breakage or d ef ormation of th e h ose.
W hen picking up large wastes such as planer
carvings, concrete dusts or similar other than small
wastes, use the 38 mm inner diameter hose (optional
accessory) .
U sing th e 28 mm inner d iameter h ose ( optional
accessory) may cause a hose stuffing and damage.
I nsert th e h ose onto th e mounting port of th e tank and
turn it c loc kw ise until it loc ks.
For DVC154L only
hat you can do with the wireless
activation function
T h e w ireless ac tiv ation f unc tion enables c lean and
c omf ortable operation. By c onnec ting a supported tool
to th e c leaner, y ou c an run th e c leaner automatic ally
along w ith th e sw itc h operation of th e tool.
Be sure to refer to the instruction manual of the
tool when using the cleaner with wireless activation function.
Do not disassemble or tamper with the
wireless unit.
Always close the lid of the wireless unit
in the tool when operating or storage.
Do not remove the wireless unit from the
tool while the power is being supplied to the tool.
D oing so may c ause a malf unc tion of th e w ireless unit.
Do not press the wireless activation button too
hard and/or press the button with an object with a sharp edge.
ireless ac tiv ation need s Makita tools
eq uipped w ith th e w ireless unit.
P rior to th e initial use of th e w ireless ac tiv ation
f unc tion w ith eac h tool, th e tool registration is req uired .
Once the registration is finished with the tool, the
re-registration is not req uired unless it is c anc elled .
Bef ore registration, be sure th at th e w ireless
unit is properly inserted into th e tool.
O ne c leaner c an register up to 1 0 tools. I f
more th an 1 0 tools are registered to th e c leaner, th e
tool registered earliest w ill be c anc elled automatic ally .
T h e position of th e w ireless ac tiv ation button
v aries d epend ing on th e tool.
T h e c leaner also starts by pressing th e pow er
button w h en th e stand -by sw itc h is set to " A U T O " .
H ow ev er th e pow er button w ill not ac tuate w h en th e
w ireless ac tiv ation f unc tion is used .
Tool registration for the cleaner
A Makita tool supporting th e w ireless ac tiv a-
tion f unc tion is req uired f or th e tool registration.
F inish installing th e w ireless unit to th e tool
bef ore starting th e tool registration.
D uring th e tool registration, d o not pull th e
sw itc h trigger on th e tool or turn on th e pow er sw itc h
on th e c leaner.
R ef er to th e instruc tion manual of th e tool, too.
I f y ou w ish to ac tiv ate th e c leaner along w ith th e sw itc h
operation of the tool, finish the tool registration beforehand.
I nstall th e batteries to th e c leaner and th e tool.
S et th e stand -by sw itc h on th e c leaner to " A U T O " .
S tand -by sw itc h
P ress th e w ireless ac tiv ation button on th e c leaner
f or 3 sec ond s until th e w ireless ac tiv ation lamp blinks in
green. A nd th en press th e w ireless ac tiv ation button on
th e tool in th e same w ay .
ireless ac tiv ation button
ac tiv ation lamp
I f th e c leaner and th e tool are linked suc c essf ully , th e
w ireless ac tiv ation lamps w ill ligh t up in green f or 2
sec ond s and start blinking in blue.
The wireless activation lamps finish blinking
in green af ter 20 sec ond s elapsed . P ress th e w ireless
ac tiv ation button on th e tool w h ile th e w ireless ac ti-
v ation lamp on th e c leaner is blinking. I f th e w ireless
ac tiv ation lamp d oes not blink in green, push th e w ire-
less activation button briefly and hold it down again.
h en perf orming tw o or more tool registration
for the cleaner, finish the tool registration one by one.
Starting the wireless activation function
F inish th e tool registration f or th e c leaner f or
w ireless ac tiv ation.
A lw ay s plac e th e c leaner so th at y ou c an see
th e status of th e w ireless ac tiv ation lamp.
R ef er to th e instruc tion manual of th e tool, too.
A f ter registering a tool to th e c leaner, th e c leaner w ill
automatic ally runs along w ith th e sw itc h operation of
th e tool.
I nstall th e w ireless unit to th e tool.
C onnec t th e h ose of th e c leaner w ith th e tool.
S et th e stand -by sw itc h on th e c leaner to " A U T O " .
S tand -by sw itc h
P ush th e w ireless ac tiv ation button on th e tool
briefly. The wireless activation lamp will blink in blue.
ireless ac tiv ation button
ac tiv ation lamp
P ull th e sw itc h trigger of th e tool. C h ec k if th e c leaner
runs w h ile th e sw itc h trigger on th e tool is being pulled .
T o stop th e w ireless ac tiv ation, push th e w ireless ac tiv a-
tion button on th e tool, or set th e stand -by sw itc h on th e
c leaner to " I " or " O " .
Содержание DVC152L
Страница 2: ...2 3 4 5 1 Fig 1 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 2 2 1 Fig 3 1 Fig 4 1 2 Fig 5 1 2 Fig 6 Fig 7 2 ...
Страница 3: ...2 1 3 Fig 8 1 2 3 4 Fig 9 Fig 10 2 1 Fig 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 Fig 12 3 1 2 Fig 13 1 Fig 14 3 ...
Страница 4: ...1 2 Fig 15 2 1 Fig 16 1 Fig 17 Fig 18 Fig 19 Fig 20 Fig 21 Fig 22 4 ...
Страница 5: ...1 Fig 23 2 1 2 1 Fig 24 Fig 25 1 Fig 26 2 1 Fig 27 1 Fig 28 5 ...
Страница 6: ...2 1 2 1 Fig 29 3 2 1 Fig 30 2 1 Fig 31 Fig 32 Fig 33 Fig 34 1 Fig 35 6 ...
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