State of abnormality
Probable cause (malfunction)
C annot erase all tool registrations in
th e c leaner.
P ressing th e w ireless button on th e tool.
P ress th e w ireless button on th e c leaner f or erasing
all tool registrations.
T h e stand -by sw itc h on th e c leaner is
not set to " A U T O " .
S et th e stand -by sw itc h on th e c leaner to " A U T O " .
T h e w ireless ac tiv ation button is not
h eld d ow n c orrec tly .
H old d ow n th e w ireless ac tiv ation button f or more
th an 6 sec ond s and th en release it w h en th e w ire-
less ac tiv ation lamp blinks in red . H old d ow n th e
w ireless ac tiv ation button f or more th an 6 sec ond s
again until th e w ireless ac tiv ation button rapid ly
blinks in red and th en release th e button.
Always be sure that the tool is
switched off and the battery cartridge is removed
before attempting to perform inspection or
Never use gasoline, benzine, thinner,
alcohol or the like. Discoloration, deformation or
cracks may result.
T o maintain prod uc t S A F ET Y and R EL I A BI L I T Y ,
repairs, any other maintenance or adjustment should
be perf ormed by Makita A uth oriz ed or F ac tory S erv ic e
C enters, alw ay s using Makita replac ement parts.
Storage of accessories
T h e pipes c an be plac ed into th e pipe h old er w h en not
using th e c leaner f or a sh ort time.
T h e h ose c an be stored around th e tool by c onnec ting
eac h end s.
Cleaning of cloth lter
Only for the cloth filter model
Clogged cloth filter causes poor suction performance.
Clean out the cloth filter from time to time.
To remove dust or particles adhering to the cloth filter,
sh ake th e f rame bottom q uic kly sev eral times.
Cloth filter
Cleaning of po der lter EPA) and
pre lter
Only for the powder filter model
Clogged powder filter, prefilter and damper cause poor
suction performance. Clean out the filters and dampers
f rom time to time.
To remove dust or particles adhering to the filters, shake
th e f rame bottom q uic kly sev eral times.
Occasionally wash the powder filter in water, rinse and
d ry th orough ly in th e sh ad e bef ore use. Nev er w ash
filters in a washing machine.
Do not rub or scratch the powder filter, the
prefilter or the damper with hard objects such as a
brush and a pad d le.
The filters wear out in course of time. It is
rec ommend ed to h av e some spares f or th em.
These accessories or attachments
are recommended for use with your Makita tool
speci ed in this manual.
T h e use of any oth er
ac c essories or attac h ments migh t present a risk of
injury to persons. Only use accessory or attachment
f or its stated purpose.
I f y ou need any assistanc e f or more d etails regard -
ing th ese ac c essories, ask y our loc al Makita S erv ic e
C enter.
H ose
F ront c uf f ( 22, 24 , 38 )
S traigh t pipe
C orner noz z le
R ound brush
Powder filter, HEPA (for dry dust)
D amper
Noz z le assembly
Bent pipe
P oly eth y lene bag
P aper pac k
H old er set
Water Filter (option for the cloth filter model)
Makita genuine battery and c h arger
S ome items in th e list may be inc lud ed in th e
tool pac kage as stand ard ac c essories. T h ey may
d if f er f rom c ountry to c ountry .
Содержание DVC152L
Страница 2: ...2 3 4 5 1 Fig 1 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 2 2 1 Fig 3 1 Fig 4 1 2 Fig 5 1 2 Fig 6 Fig 7 2 ...
Страница 3: ...2 1 3 Fig 8 1 2 3 4 Fig 9 Fig 10 2 1 Fig 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 Fig 12 3 1 2 Fig 13 1 Fig 14 3 ...
Страница 4: ...1 2 Fig 15 2 1 Fig 16 1 Fig 17 Fig 18 Fig 19 Fig 20 Fig 21 Fig 22 4 ...
Страница 5: ...1 Fig 23 2 1 2 1 Fig 24 Fig 25 1 Fig 26 2 1 Fig 27 1 Fig 28 5 ...
Страница 6: ...2 1 2 1 Fig 29 3 2 1 Fig 30 2 1 Fig 31 Fig 32 Fig 33 Fig 34 1 Fig 35 6 ...
Страница 7: ...Fig 36 7 ...
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