1) Operations in Lock Menu are shown in the following table
O pt io n
V a lu e
Loc k Channe l
On: turn o n Loc k Channel. User need to e nter
pass word to watch the channe ls which are
lo cked. Als o need to e nter password when
user trie s to c hange s ettings in item s like
“re set s ystem ”/”re set databas e” e tc .
Off: turn o ff Loc k Channe l
Pare ntal Loc k
Off: turn o ff Pare ntal Loc k
4-18: turn o n Pare ntal Lock and s et the age le vel
that are perm itted to watch the program .
Change Pin Co de KEY_RIGHT o r KEY_ ENTER to enter the pin c ode
c hanging page.
2) Change Pin Code
3) Key Operation
Key Stroke
Act ion
Press the numeral buttons to enter the password. If the entered
numbers are not exactly the old password, then show a new
password-enter menu to enter again. If they are right, then it will ask
user to enter the new password that will take place of the old ones. If
the New Password is the same as the Confirm New Password, it’ll
show a success message. If not, it will ask you to enter the new
Close the whole Main Menu
Cancel pin-code-change-action and back to Child Lock Menu
4.2.2 Language
System language setting, includes OSD Language, Preferred Subtitle, Preferred Audio,
Digital Teletext Language, Anglog Teletext Language
O p t io n
V a lu e
OSD Lan gu ag e
E ng lis h, Italian , Sp an is h, Portu gu ese, Fre nc h, Ge rm an
Pre ferre d Su b title
E ng lis h,
Fren ch ,
Ge rm an ,
Italian ,
Sp an is h,
Portu gu ese ,
Dan is h, Cze ch , Du tch , Fin n ish , Sw ed ish , Gre ek, Ru s sian ,
Po lish,
Tu rkis h,
No rw egian ,
W elsh ,
Gae lic ,
TCh in e se,
SCh in e se,
Pre ferre d Au d io
E ng lis h,
Fren ch ,
Ge rm an ,
Italian ,
Sp an is h,
Portu gu ese ,
Dan is h, Cze ch , Du tch , Fin n ish , Sw ed ish , Gre ek, Ru s sian ,
Po lish, Turkis h, No rw egian , W elsh , Gae lic ,
D igital Teletext
E ng lis h,
Fren ch ,
Ge rm an ,
Italian ,
Sp an is h,
Portu gu ese ,
Dan is h, Cze ch , Du tch , Fin n ish , Sw ed ish , Gre ek, Ru s sian ,
Po lish, Turkis h, No rw egian , W elsh , Gae lic ,
Anglog Teletext
W est, Gre ek, E as t, Arab ic, Cyrillic , Ru s sian , He brew , Farsi
4.2.3 Clock
It is used to check out the current system time and set time zone/DST.
1) Range of the values of items in Clock Menu
Opt ion
Valu e
Tim e
Tim e Zone
+00:30,+01:00, … , +12:00, Auto
saving time)
[On, Off] if it’s " On " , it’ll be an hour earlier than
the GMT. If Tim e Zone is set to "Auto", it’s not
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