MIEN3024/3026 Rack Mount Industrial Ethernet Switch
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Before installing or connecting Ethernet switch please make ensure
disconnect the power line. Calculate the maximum possible current in each
power line and common line, and observe all electrical information to know
the maximum current allowed by lines of different widths. If the current
exceeds the maximum rated current, the wires will overheat and cause
serious damage to the equipment.
Also need to pay attention to the following items at the same time.
Separate the paths of power lines and equipment lines. If the two paths
must cross, make sure that these lines are vertical at the intersection. It is not
allowed to lay signal wires or communication wires and power wires in the
same pipe. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics
should be separated. We can use the type of signal transmitted in a line to
determine which lines should be separated. It is strongly recommended to
label all equipment lines in the system when necessary.
The switch must be connected to the protective ground:
Grounding and cabling can effectively suppress the noise caused by
electromagnetic interference. Before connect the switch with equipment
please connect GND first. Connected to the grounding screw from the
ground surface
2.2.2. The equipment installation
The installation dimensions of MIEN3024,MIEN3024-4/8S/M and
MIEN3026-2S/M are in Figure 2-6 to Figure 2-10 as below:
Figure 2-6 MIEN3024 and MIEN3026-2S/M upper cover schematic diagram
Figure 2-7 shows the schematic diagram of the rear panel of MIEN3024
(24 100M TX).
Figure 2-7 Schematic diagram of the rear panel of MIEN3024 (24 100M TX)