Operation Manual MA 33
8100092 Rev. 9
The MA 33 gives the benefit of:
PC-controlled audiometer for Air Conduction
Bone Conduction (MA 33 BC only)
Pulse and Warble Tone
Individual test configurations
Compatibility with MAICO Database, Noah 4, EssiConnect, or your existing
practice management software via BDT/GDT
Power supply via USB
Keyboard and/or mouse operation
SISI (MA 33 BC and MA 33 Speech only)
Speech Audiometry (MA 33 Speech only)
German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Netherlands, Polish
Additionally available tests for each version are:
Module Pilot Test (Select Picture Audiometry for children)
Module Hughson-Westlake (automatic test according to Hsughson-Westlake)
1.4.2 Language Pack for Module Pilot Test
The MA 33 with the Module Pilot Test comes with the following languages
International configuration: Afrikaans, Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Croatian, Czech,
Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hungarian,
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish/Polish (Audifon), Portuguese,
Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, South Sotho, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss
German, Turkish, Vietnamese, Xhosa, Zulu
US configuration: English (US) and Spanish (US)
1.5.1 General
1.5.2 Air Conduction Testing
Hearing threshold levels can be determined by presenting test signals to the test subject
with the included headphones (Air Conduction
– AC). The purpose of AC audiometry is
to establish the hearing sensitivity at various frequencies. The test can specify the AC
loss but cannot distinguish between a conductive versus a sensorineural abnormality.