Operation Manual MA 33
8100092 Rev. 9
Set the transducer selector to
Perform the test in the same way as for air conduction.
Figure 53
For bone conduction measurement, the interaural attenuation is 0 dB to 15 dB. Bone conduction
crossover is therefore possible even with a slight difference in hearing loss between ears.
: Please advise the patient to inform you as to which ear he/she hears the test
signal. In doing so, it will be easier to detect crossover.
Adjust the required masking level.
: For effective masking the masking sound is presented continuously. You can
interrupt the masking signal by pressing the corresponding
To mask when performing bone conduction testing: place the headphone on the opposite
ear so that the earphone sits at the correct height (i.e. the sound output grid exactly faces
the ear canal). Adjust the headband of the headphones, if necessary. Then place the
transducer of the bone conductor on the mastoid of the test ear (i.e. on the noticeable flat
area of the cranial bone behind the auricle). Most Comfortable Listening Level (MCL)
Testing of MCL can be measured using pure-tone stimuli or speech. The purpose is to
determine the most comfortable listening level for the patient for a given stimulus. The dB
level at which the stimulus is the most comfortable is determined. This level might be
described as, the level at which the patient would be comfortable listening for an extended
period of time. Select MCL in order to test and store the Most Comfortable Listening Level.