TPS I and III for Eurosystem
D1 1004BA1-GB03
Travel Distance Test
No vehicle with 4 wheel drive or automatic transmission may be tested on the speedometer
tester. This can lead to damage on both the vehicle and the test lane. Should questions arise
inquire at the responsible service representative.
The speedometer test can be conducted by using the keyboard or the remote control. If a
remote control is not available, a second person will be needed to perform the test.
1 Drive onto the test stand
Drive the driven axle of the vehicle
onto the roller set.
The vehicle must be positioned
on the roller
Apply the parking brake.
2 Preparations
Secure the vehicle with tightening belts.
(see chapter 2).
3 Start the testing program
Accelerate the vehicle up to 5 km/h to
start the testing program.
The screen opposite appears.
Accelerate the vehicle to the target
Rotating test stand rollers are potentially dangerous! Risk of injury!
4 Activate the travel distance test
Press <F8> travel distance to switch to
the corresponding test mode. The screen
opposite appears.
Enter correction factor
The standard setting for the correction
factor is 100%. The correction factor
defines the relation of the tire
circumference on the road to the tire
circumference on the test stand rollers.