Pos: 76 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/B/ Überschrift 1.1: Bed ienung @ 9\mod_ 1208784447592_75.d ocx @ 208752 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 77 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/PITFORCE/551101 A B / A BA / ABT / AT-N B / A TV / SA T/BA/Inhalt: 5511 Bed ienung SA T (Text) @ 29\mod_ 1338557859413_75.d ocx @ 1605307 @ @ 1
The general operating rules for lifting accessories must be observed.
Lock lifts before descending and secure against shifting.
Ensure static stability of load in case of single lifting point at the frame front.
Pos: 78 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/PITFORCE/551101 A B / A BA / ABT / AT-N B / A TV / SA T/BA/Inhalt: 5511 M agneAbsteckbolzen (Text) SA T @ 30\mod_ 1353429225525_75.d ocx @ 1682533 @ @ 1
Magnetic Holder for Support Feet
Two magnets attached to the crossbar's middle section can be used to store the
support feet when not in use (see Fig.).
Retaining Pins
Before picking up the load, secure the support tubes using the retaining pins pro-
vided (see Fig.).
Pos: 79 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/PITFORCE/551101 A B / A BA / ABT / AT-N B / A TV / SA T/BA/Inhalt: 5511 M agneAbsteckbolzen (Bild) SA T @ 30\mod_ 1353429572173_0.docx @ 1682577 @ @ 1
Pos: 80 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/PITFORCE/551101 A B / A BA / ABT / AT-N B / A TV / SA T/BA/Inhalt: 5511 Pos itionierung ( Tex t) S AT @ 29\mod_ 1338558274788_75.d ocx @ 1605352 @ @ 1
Recommended Positioning
No. 1
with/without load, on the wheel deflector
No. 2
with/without load, directly on the pit edge
No. 3
without load, parking over the carriage
No. 4
with/without load, on the wooden block*, inside
*optionally available
No. 5
with/without load, on the wooden block*, outside
Play at the limit stops is 5 mm maximum per side.
Pos: 81 /----- Format-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1