M C C - 3 5 A S
Symbol 1
.Each code is started with a star symbol “
Symbol 2,3,4
. Program Number:
The data that controls slitting/cutting/creasing position is saved as files,
Factory set program are coded ranging from 1-64, User saved program are
coded ranging since 165-228.Once such a number is read, corresponding file
will be recalled.
Mind that the code should be triple digit, if it is less than 100, insert a zer0(0)
before that ,say 065, if it is less than 10, insert 2 zeros(00) before that, say
Symbol 5, 6
. Qty for each job
This 2 number is the sheet qty for this job.
Mind that the code should be double digit, if it is less than 10, insert a zero (0)
before that, say 06.
7. Each code is ended with a star symbol “
6.2.3 How to create barcodes?
Barcode can be input by keyboard, the point is that user should install a True
type Font of code 39.
Load on http://www.barcodetrader.com/bct_scan_barcode.asp
Click the icon in red square, save the file
50 is the program number; DIG-11*8.5
is template file name.