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Issue 1733
6. Reconnect the lower drain hose to the drain trap and
drain fitting. Verify hose level to allow drainage.
7. Remove the grommet plug from the front access panel
and insert it into the oval opening in the side panel.
8. Remove the perforated insulation from inside the front
access panel around the oval opening. Be sure the
area is clean and free of insulation and glue, as it will
be used as a sealing surface for the drain fitting gasket.
9. Prior to setting the unit into operation, replace the
access panel.
10. Install the factory-supplied hose barb or spigot adapter
to the drain fitting by threading into place. Use a thread
sealant suitable for PVC; do not use thread tape.
For the hose barb fitting, affix a suitable length of
flexible tubing and route to an open floor drain. Secure
the end of the tubing to the drain. Do not connect
directly to evaporator condensate drain line.
12. For the spigot adapter, attach the provided rubber
coupling and then route 3/4” PVC pipping to an open
floor drain. Do not connect directly to evaporator
condensate drain line.
Combustion Air
This unit is a direct-vent furnace which obtains all air
needed for combustion from outdoors.
Insufficient combustion air can cause headaches,
nausea, dizziness or asphyxiation. It will also cause
excess water in the heat exchanger resulting in rusting
and premature heat exchanger failure. Excessive
exposure to contaminated combustion air will result
in safety and performance related problems. Avoid
exposure to the following substances in the combustion
air supply:
• Permanent wave solutions
• Chlorinated waxes and cleaners
• Chlorine base swimming pool chemicals
• Water softening chemicals
• De-icing salts or chemicals
• Carbon tetrachloride
• Halogen type refrigerants
• Cleaning solvents (such as perchloroethylene)
Printing inks, paint removers, varnishes, etc.
• Hydrochloric acid
• Antistatic fabric softeners for clothes dryers
• Masonry acid washing materials
The venting system is an integral part of the appliance.
The venting system must not be modified or added on
The unit contains a combustion inducer. The inducer
draws the combustion products out of the heat exchanger
and forces them from the unit to the outside. No special
provisions are required for supplying air for combustion,
nor is a chimney required.
The vent outlet must not be altered or extended.
The venting system is designed for proper operation under
all weather conditions and for winds up to 31 m.p.h.
Removal of Unit from Common Venting System
When an existing furnace is removed from a common
venting system serving other appliances, the venting
system is likely to be too large to properly vent the
remaining attached appliances. The following test
should be conducted with each appliance while the other
appliances connected to the common venting system are
not in operation.
1. Seal any unused openings in the common venting
Visually inspect the venting system for proper size and
horizontal pitch and determine there is no blockage
or restriction, leakage, corrosion, or other deficiencies
which could cause an unsafe condition.
3. Insofar as is practical, close all building doors and
windows between the space in which the appliances
remaining connected to the common venting system
are located and other spaces in the building. Turn on
clothes dryers and any appliance not connected to the
common venting system. Turn on exhaust fans, such
as range hoods and bathroom exhausts, so they will
operate at maximum speed. Do not operate a summer
exhaust fan. Close fireplace dampers.
4. Following the lighting instructions, place the unit being
inspected in operation. Adjust the thermostat so the
appliance will operate continuously.
5. Test for spillage at the draft control relief opening after
5 minutes of main burner operation. Use the flame of
a match or candle.
6. Follow the preceding steps for each appliance
connected to the common venting system.
7. After it has been determined that each appliance
remaining connected to the common venting system
properly vents when tested as outlined above, return
doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers,
and any other fuel burning appliance to their previous
condition of use.