V2.0 – Jan-13
User’s Manual
Page 38 of 41
Figure 17: 1PPS waveform (reference)
10.10 5 Hz Navigation Update Rate
User can select 1Hz or 5Hz output rate of navigation computation and message, it
supports rapid change of direction and improves accuracy on sport-related applica-
tions.1Hz is the default Navigation Update Rate, If the user want to change to 5Hz
Navigation Update Rate, Please refer to command below:
Enable 5Hz Navigation Update Rate command
NMEA command MID103 ($PSRF103,00,6,00,0*23)
OSP command MID136 (A0 A2 00 0E 88 00 00 04 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F
02 00 A1 B0 B3 )
Disable 5Hz and return to 1Hz Navigation Update Rate, command:
NMEA command MID103 ($PSRF103,00,7,00,0*22)
OSP command MID136 (A0 A2 00 0E 88 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F
02 00 9D B0 B3)