CrossFire 8650/8651 UEM Guide to Operation, DOC-7090 v. 1.0
4. Statistics
The total number of bytes in the LLC frames received, forwarded, or
transmitted. The byte count includes all bytes from AC up to and including the
FCS field. Note that the forwarded byte count can be lower than the received
byte count even though all frames are forwarded. This is because the VLAN
frame tag is removed before a frame is forwarded.
NSR Frames
Number of Non-Source Routed frames.
SRF Frames
Number of Specifically Routed Frames.
STE Frames
Number of Spanning Tree Explorers.
ARE Frames
Number of All-Routes Explorers.
MAC Frames
Number of MAC frames.
Unicast Frames
Number of frames with a unicast MAC address as destination.
Broadcast Frames
Number of frames with a Token-Ring broadcast address as destination.
Multicast Frames
Number of frames with a Token-Ring functional or group address as
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