CrossFire 8650/8651 UEM Guide to Operation, DOC-7090 v. 1.0
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
The CrossFire 8650 High-Speed Token-Ring UEM and CrossFire 8651 High-
Speed Token-Ring UEM from Madge provide 100 Mbps High-Speed Token-Ring
connectivity to the CrossFire 8600 Token-Ring Switch and the CrossFire 8605
Token-Ring Fiber Switch. These high-performance, low-latency modules
seamlessly integrate legacy Token-Ring networks to High-Speed Token-Ring
(HSTR) backbones.
The CrossFire 8650 UEM offers UTP-5 copper connections with RJ-45 interface
connectors. The CrossFire 8651 UEM offers multimode optical fiber connection
with VF-45 interface connectors. You can mount either of them in one of the two
front-panel expansion slots on the CrossFire 8600 and CrossFire 8605 Switches.
Figure 1. CrossFire 8650 High-Speed Token-Ring UEM
The CrossFire 8650 and 8651 UEMs conform to the IEEE 802.5t standard for 100
Mbps High-Speed Token-Ring, and implement the standard DTR MAC protocol.
An HSTR port can connect to a standard HSTR adapter or it can act as a trunk port
and carry traffic from up to 63 VLANs configured in the switch. This is achieved
using standard IEEE 802.1Q VLAN frame tagging. For each VLAN a virtual port
is created that behaves much like an ordinary Token-Ring port.
The module enables standard Token-Ring source routing and supports all the
switching modes implemented in the switch.
Six LEDs on the front panel indicate the overall operational state of the module and
the two ports. Configuration and detailed status information is available from the
switch console or from the graphical management application.
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