Revision 0.07
Warning Set Point
S e n s o r 0 1 C O
W a r n i n g : _ _ 5 0 p p m
Figure 3-27 Sensor’s Warning Level
The default warning levels for the sensors are:
Carbon Monoxide
50 ppm
Nitrogen Dioxide
3.0 ppm
2,000 ppm (5% LEL for methane)
Setting a warning level of 0 (zero) will disable warning detection for this particular sensor.
S e n s o r 0 1 C O
R a n g e : _ 2 0 0 p p m
Figure 3-28 Sensor’s Range
The range for each sensor is the gas concentration that corresponds to the 20 mA signal level.
The default range values for the sensors are:
Carbon Monoxide
200 ppm
Nitrogen Dioxide
6.0 ppm
10,000 ppm (25% LEL for methane)