Appendix C: TT24 Console Surface Quick Keys
Hard Reset = CTRL+HELP on power up
Pressing and holding these two buttons on power up will hard reset the TT24 to factory default settings. This will
also clear all internal memory deleting all snapshots, presets, and venues.
Soft Reset = CTRL+UTIL on power up
Pressing and holding these two buttons on power up will soft reset the TT24 to factory default settings. This will
NOT clear all internal memory. Therefore, all snapshots, presets, and venues will remain intact.
Manual LCD Calibration = CTRL+SETUP
Pressing these two buttons simultaneously while the TT24 is already powered up will activate the LCD calibration
screen. If the touchscreen does not allow proper action on button presses this allows for easy recalibration of the
Reset Channel = CTRL+ FAT
Pressing these two buttons will reset the selected channel to default settings.
Reset EQ = CTRL+ EQ
Pressing these two buttons will reset the selected channel’s EQ to default settings.
Reset Dynamics = CTRL+ DYN
Pressing these two buttons will reset the selected channel’s Comp/gate to default settings.
Reset Group and Auxes = CTRL+ GRP/AUX
Pressing these two buttons will reset the selected channel’s group assignments to OFF, and auxiliary send levels
to OFF.
Reset all Channel Auxes = CTRL+ AUX 1-12
Pressing the CTRL button plus any individual aux number button (1-12) will reset all channels’ aux sends to off.
Very useful for clearing an aux mix.
TT Control Special Screens
Matrix Overview = CTRL + MTRX
Pressing these two buttons will cause the TT control application to display a matrix overview screen.
Bank Meters = CTRL + METERS
Pressing these two buttons will cause the TT control application to display a high-resolution meter screen of the
currently selected bank.
96 faders = CTRL+ any bank button (ANLG, DGTL, RTNS, MSTR)
Pressing these two buttons will cause the TT control application to display a 96 fader screen where all channels
of the mixer are viewable on one screen.
Global V-Pot Gain Reduction Meters
Press and hold the METERS button for 2 seconds and all V-Pots will convert to gain reduction mode where the
LEDs show gain reduction metering and the knob controls threshold. This can be done on a individual channel
basis by putting the V-Pots in meters mode and pressing the the encoder. The red LED at the bottom of the V-Pot
indicates gain reduction mode when in METERS.