CAUTION: All side louvers of the cabinet must remain ex-
posed to the outside of the structure.
installation of housing
Step 1
. Remove the air conditioner from its packaging, remove fix-
ing screws and slide the air conditioner out of its housing (refer to
installation steps).
Step 2
. Prepare the hole in the wall so that the bottom of the hous-
ing is well supported, the top has minimum clearance and the air in-
let louvers have clearance as shown below in options A and B. Holes
from the outside through to the cavity should be sealed. The hous-
ing should slope down towards the rear by about 5 mm to allow wa-
ter generated during operation to drain.
Step 3
. Install the housing into the wall and secure. Make sure the
foam seals are not damaged. Flash, seal or fill gaps around the in-
side and outside to provide satisfactory appearance and protection
against the weather, insects and rodents.
Note: Unit may be supported by a
solid frame from below or
by a hanger from a solid
overhead support.
Flash or seal around external
wall frame or architrave.
Sturdy timber
frame all
round unit
Timber framed
wall or partition
Alternatively, brackets
may be used as illustrated.
External support
frame at balance
point of air conditioner.
Drain pan
Preferred method of installation into a
timber framed wall, partition or window.