*NOTE Factory Filament *
There may be factory filament installed externally, let the
printer extrude this first and then insert your filament of
Figure. Showing the filament path taken
When installing internal
filament, the path begins
underneath the print bed
through the black filament
External filament is
installed via the external
feed port located at the top
of the extruder head.
Always keep a clear path
between your filament
spool and the print head.
Notes for Loading Filament
In both scenarios, you need to feel the
filament “catch” the extruder gear. When you
are loading filament, apply constant force on
the filament to push it forward into the
extruder gear. A good way to test if the
filament is “caught” is to lightly pull back and
forth on the filament. If the filament does not
pull out, then you have engaged with the gear.
3D Ink Cheat Code
Your 3D Ink™ Cheat Code is written on the front of
your Micro Spool. If it is not, you can type in either
ABS or PLA or TGH (for Tough 3D ink) depending
on which filament type you are using.
4.0 Installing 3D Ink (Filament)
Filament Installation is accessed by selecting the
3D Ink
button in the top left
corner of the M3D Software. You will be guided to install filament Externally or
attempt to load both ports at the same time during