7.3.19. Configuration select mode operation [Only for Multi Configuration mode]
Used .!witch
• To enter the Contlg.nJ1!on 5elect mode. press [F) l'Mlch at power on.
Switch operatton
• To select the Conllguratton, rotote the [CHJ knob or pie$$ MIC [UPJ/IDN] switch.
• To de<:lde the Contlgurollon. preu [F] $Witch tor one se<:ond.
Used lndcatcr
1. l\Jm off 1he power of 1h1s tronscelver.
2. l\Jm on this 1ransce1ver's power whlle [Fl switch ls being pr9658d.
.... It goes Conf1gl.rot1on select mode. At 1hls mode, "l;f" !con
wlll bfnk and prusent Conft17Jratlon code on Conflgurot1on
lndcator wll bfnk.
3. At 1hls state, when rotate 1he [CHJ knob to dockwlse or MIC
[UP) .!witch Is pressed, Conflguratlon code Is changed as 1he
4. Sfmlcmy, when rotate the [CH] knob to counterdockwlse or
MIC [DN] switch 1, pnmed, Conflgi.ro1fon code Is changed os
the rt.)ht!lde.
EU Conflguratlcn
PL Configuration
When yov choose Configuration that warm to be used, press
the [Fl swttch !or one second.
___,. The new Conflgvratlon Is decided. The Configuration code
Indication and " (;I • Icon stop bllrttig, and 1he Conllguro!Ton
code Tncfcallon l!I mantalned untl 1he p ower ol this 1ransce1ver
turned off once.
6. When pnm the [F] swttch momentc.ily wN1e the Conllguro!Ton
code lndlca!Ton and • (;I • Icon all! llght1ng and not blnkfng.
---,, It goes Configuration select state agan. " l;I " Icon and
pA!Hlnt Conllgu!ll!Ton code on Conflgvratlon lncfcatcr wlll
Ccnllguratlon Select Mode
1 (BJ) -+ 2(PL) -+ ,4(D) -+ S{EC) -+ 6{UK) -+
1 (BJ) ..... 2{PL) +--4(DJ ..... S(EC) ..... 6{UKJ .....
EC Conflgurt1tlon
UK Configuration
Ex.J Che� the Pl Confl11urt1tlcn
7. l\Jm off the power of this transceiver once wli1e " l;I " Icon and the Conflgi.roflon code Tndcallon are not
blnldng. And then tum on the power aga"1 whle the [F] .!witch Ts not pA1SSed •
.... II changes to new Conflgi.roflon, and II enters a normal state of A!celvlng and 1ransmltflng.
• While Conflgura!Ton select mode, all other "1dk:alor dlsappea11 except for 'l;I" !con and Conflgi.roffon Indicator.
• While Configuration select mode, It ls Jn mute state, and normal operation of the reception and the transmission
cannot be done. Al this mode, all other push switch except for [F], [Oil knob or MIC [UP]/[DNl !IWtlch 11 not
active. Even If [PTT] !Milch Is preued whle Conflgu!llllon select mode, Tra111mlt ls not possible.
• The selected Conflgura!Ton code wll appear on Confl11Jrallon Indicator whle Conflgi.roflon select mode.
• When MIC [U Pl/[DNl switch 11 preued and held for SOOmsec while Confl11,1rallon select mode, Auto Repeal
function ls activated, and the unit wll automot!caly naement or deaement the Configuration code In :.(X)nsec
speed wh!le pre5Slng.
• While Configuration select mode, Channel number cannot be changed by using [Oil knob or MIC [UPl/[DNl