7.3.11. AM/FM Mode [Except for EC, UK Configurotion]
Used switch
Switch operation
Press [AM/FM] switch momentonly
Used indicator
[AM/FM] switch is used to switch modulation mode AM/FM. This function is effective in AM/FM model.
• "AM" icon appears in the LCD display when the AM is selected.
• " FM" icon appears in the LCD display when the FM is selected.
• When (AM/FM] switch is pressed while All Channel Scan Mode, then All Channel Scan Mode is maintained, and
AM/FM modulation mode changes.
• In D Configuration, only CHl -CH40 is possible transmitting and receiving with AM Mode. It becomes FM Mode of
CH41-CH80 regardless of the AM/FM modulation mode setting. When (AM/FM] switch is pressed whne
CH41-CH80 is selected, this switch is not accepted. [D Configuration]
• When the AM/FM modulation mode is changed while Memory Channel Recall Mode, then Memory Channel
Recall Mode is canceled.
7.3.12. CEPT /ENG select [Only for UK Configuration]
Used switch
Switch operation
Press [AM/FM] (ICEPT/ENG]l switch momentar11y
Used Indicator
Use (AM/FM( (ICEPT/ENG]l switch to switch the CEPT mode and ENGLAND mode for UK Configuration.
CEPT..,....... ENGLAND
• " FM " icon always appears at UK Configuration.
" UK" icon disappears whne CEPT mode.
" UK " icon appears while ENGLAND mode.
"UK" disappears at CEPT mode
"UK" appears at ENGLAND mode
• When the CEPT mode and ENGLAND mode is chonged while Memory Channel Recall Mode, then Memory
Channel Recall Mode is canceled.
7.3.13. Memory Channel Recall / Store
It is a function to store ond recall the one Memory Channel with AM/FM modulation Mode (Except for EC Configuration and UK
Configuration], RF Gain LOCAL/DX setting, NB, HI-CUT, CEPT/ENG Mode (Only for UK Configuration].
Memory Channel store procedure:
Used switch
Switch operation
Press [STORE] switch for one sec:ond
Used indicator
1. Select the channel setting that can be stored (AM/FM modulation Mode. RF Gain LOCAL/DX. NB. HI-CUT.
CEPT/ENG Mode [Only UK Configuration)).
2. Press and hold the [MEM] switch for one second.
-11 wlll store a new memory. The Store Confmlatlon Tone sounds and" MEM" Icon appears. (It becomes
Memory Channel Recall Mode.)