7.3.8. Priority CHl 9/CH9 Mode {Channel Mode)
Used swNch
Switch operatton
Press [CH 1919] switch momentanly
Used Indicator
The Chonnel Mode hos 3 stoles of Normol Mode. Priority CH 19 ond Pliority CH9 Mode. by ...sing [CH 1919] $Witeh.
Push the [CH19/9] switch: the rodio automalicolyrunmtochannel 19. (Priority CH19 Mode]
Push the [CH19/9] switch aga'rl: the radio automatically runes to channel 9. (P�orily CH9 Mode)
Push the [CH19/9] switch once aga'rl: retum to the previous channel. (Normol Mode)
• When [SCAN] switch is pressed for 1 Jecond. MIC ]UP]/ [ON] $Witeh is prened, or rotate the [CH] knob dumg
Priority CHI 9/CH9 Mode. &nBl'gency CHI 9/CH9 Mode is relemed at pre.sent &nergency CHI 9 orCH9 and these
operations ere accepted.
• When [Me.Ill] switch is prened for one second while Priority CH1'1/CH9 Mode. ii becomes Menu mode, and then
Priority CHl 9 !CH9 Mode is not canceled.
7.3.9. Roger Beep Function
RogBI' Beep is the function that notify user the end of transmission, os for either of the !rnnJmission by [PIT] Milch or VOX function.
RogBI' Beep function OnfOff is in the MENU mode nem.
• ·�" icon appears in the LCD display while Roger Beep funciion On.
• Roger Beep can be heard from the unit speaker. while Key Beep Tone enable.
• Rager Baep is transmitted even if Key Beep Tone disable. However, Roger Beep doe.s not hear fmm the unit
7.3. 10. CB Channel select
Used switch
• Rotate [CH] knob
Switch operation
• Press MIC [UP]/(DN] switch (When using option MIC)
Used indicator
B {Channel Indicator)
The (CH] knob or MIC (UP]/(DN] switch is used for selectlng 1he channel number.
1. When rotate the (CH] knob lo dockwise direction or MIC (UP] switch is prened, channel number is increosed.
2. When rotate the [CH) knob to coul'lffll'dockwise drection or MIC [DNJ switch is �. chamel number is
• When the MIC (UP] /(DNJ switch is pnmed and held for 500msoc, Auto Repeal function is activated, and the unit
Will <Nlomalicoly increment or decrement the channel in IOOmsec speed while pressing.
• CB channel number con select I -40CH. (Eiu:epl tor D Config..oralion]
• CB channel number con select I -«>CH. (D Configuration]
• When the rotate the (CH] knob or MIC [IJP]/(DN] Milch is pressed while Memory Channel Recoil Mode, selected
channel number CQn be changed. At Im lime, Memory Channel Recal Mode is canceled.
• Channel number can be changed by usirQ [CH] knob or (UP]/(DN] switch while Priority CH 19 /CH9 Mode.
channel number change to neict channel from Priority CH19 or CH9, and Priority CH19/CH9 Mode is released.