F0 – Headlight/Taillight
This toggles your headlight/taillight on and off. It will also override F19 and F20
(Train/No-Train and Wrong Direction Running Lights). When F0 is disabled your
Headlight, Taillight, Train/No-Train Indicators and Wrong Direction Running Lights
are disabled as well.
F5 – Lights
This toggles your firebox and cab interior light on and off.
(This will not affect F19 and F20 operation)
Master Volume
F6 – Master Volume
There are 10 volume levels. Pressing F6 twice (toggling on then off) raises the Master
Volume one level. The Master Volume loops. That is, if you go past the 10th level it will
loop back around to the 1st or lowest volume level.
Your MTH PS3.0-equipped engine comes with remotely controlled Proto-Couplers.
They can be fired using your DCC handheld.
F7 – Front Coupler
Pressing F7 twice (toggling on then off) will fire your Front Coupler
F8 – Rear Coupler
Pressing F8 twice (toggling on then off) will fire your Rear Coupler
Forward/Reverse Signal
Just like a real engine, you can announce the direction of intended movement using
your DCC handheld and F9 and F10.
F9 – Forward Signal
Pressing F9 twice (toggling on then off) will sound the Forward Signal. This is two
whistle/horn blasts
F10 – Reverse Signal
Pressing F10 twice (toggling on then off) will sound the Reverse Signal. This is three
whistle/horn blasts
The code used to operate the Lenz-style electrical couplers is different than the code
used for the MTH Proto-Coupler. If your model came equipped with the Lenz-style
coupler DO NOT install an MTH Proto-Coupler without updating the code. Like wise
if your model came equipped with an MTH Proto-Coupler, DO NOT install the Lenz-
style coupler without updating the code. Damage may occur
to the coupler or the
PS 3.0 board. You can change the code in the model if you desire to change from one
electrical style coupler to another. You will need a TIU running software version 4.20 or
higher and the Consumer Loader version 2.3 or higher.
Premier Swiss Crocodile Electric Engine