Advanced Consisting
Advanced Consisting follows the NMRA standards. Any values assigned to CV's 21-24
are ignored once the consist is removed (CV19 set to 0).
Setting the MSB (Bit 7) of CV19 tells the engine that it is facing reverse in the
Setting CV21 and CV22 determine which F Functions the consist responds to
See diagram below for example
Custom Speed tables
Below is a table that shows the value to write to CV25 to achieve the desired speed
curve. For example, if you would like to use speed curve 18 then:
1. Write a value of 1 to CV52 to enable PWM Mode
2. Write a value of 1 to bit 4 of CV29
3. Write a value of 18 to CV25. Your engine will now use the speed curve #18 below
4. If you want to create your own speed table using CV's 67-94 then write a
value of 0 or 1 to CV25
Premier Swiss Crocodile Electric Engine