5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN
Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: [email protected]
EM-5135-B Rev.5 P. 13 / 19
[60] Unit (INP Scaling)
Set the unit to display input scaling.
Available units are following 68 types.
DC, AC, mV, V, kV, μA, mA, A, kA, mW, W, kW, var, kvar,
Mvar, VA, Hz, Ω, kΩ, MΩ, cm, mm, m, m/sec, mm/min,
cm/min, m/min, m/h, m/s
, inch, L, L/s, L/min, L/h, m
/sec, m
/min, m
/h, Nm
/h, N∙m, N/m
, g, kg, kg/h, N, kN,
Pa, kPa, MPa, t, t/h, °C, °F, K, %RH, J, kJ, MJ, rpm, sec,
min, min
, pH, %, ppm, deg, (blank), User
Selecting ‘User’ enables to move on to user’s unit setting
display. A unit can be created by using any characters. Up
to 13 characters available.*
Up and Down button enables
to move on selected characters. Set button enables to select
a character. While setting, pressing Mode button enables to
delete a character, pressing and holding Mode button ena-
bles to discard the settings. Pressing and holding Set but-
ton enables to determine the setting and return to setting
display of [60] Unit (INP Scaling). The unit is indicated by
‘INPUT (Scaling)’ at measuring mode display.
If turning power off while setting, it returns to setting dis-
play of [60] Unit (INP Scaling) (The setting value is dis-
*1. Settable characters
9 A
Z a
z ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) = -
+ * ^ | @ ` [ ] { } ; : < > ? _ , . /
Initial value: %
[61] Unit (OUT Scaling)
Set the unit to display output scaling.
Available units are following 68 types.
DC, AC, mV, V, kV, μA, mA, A, kA, mW, W, kW, var, kvar,
Mvar, VA, Hz, Ω, kΩ, MΩ, cm, mm, m, m/sec, mm/min,
cm/min, m/min, m/h, m/s
, inch, L, L/s, L/min, L/h, m
/sec, m
/min, m
/h, Nm
/h, N∙m, N/m
, g, kg, kg/h, N, kN,
Pa, kPa, MPa, t, t/h, °C, °F, K, %RH, J, kJ, MJ, rpm, sec,
min, min
, pH, %, ppm, deg, (blank), User
Selecting ‘User’ enables to move on to user’s unit setting
display. A unit can be created by using any characters. Up
to 13 characters available.*
Up and Down button enables
to move on selected characters. Set button enables to select
a character. While setting, pressing Mode button enables to
delete a character, pressing and holding Mode button ena-
bles to discard the settings. Pressing and holding Set but-
ton enables to determine the setting and return to setting
display of [61] Unit (OUT Scaling). The unit is indicated by
‘OUTPUT (Scaling)’ at measuring mode display.
If turning power off while setting, it returns to setting dis-
play of [61] Unit (OUT Scaling) (The setting value is dis-
*1. Settable characters
9 A
Z a
z ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) = -
+ * ^ | @ ` [ ] { } ; : < > ? _ , . /
Initial value: %
[67] Filter time constant
Set filter time constant of the first order lag filter.
The first order lag filter is available with setting time.
When ‘0’ is set to this parameter, the first order lag filter is
not available (Response time: ≤ 0.5 sec. (0
90 %)).
The first order lag filter is equivalent to general CR filter.
The setting time constant is the time to follow until about
63 %, when input varies from 0 % to 100 %.
It is available to set the range between 0 – 30 seconds.
Initial value: 0
[69] Input Zero fine adjust
Perform fine adjustment of input signal. Available range
between -5.000 – 5.000 %.
Initial value: 0.000
[70] Input Span fine adjust
Perform fine adjustment of input signal. Available range
between 95.000 – 105.000 %.
Initial value: 100.000
[71] Output Zero fine adjust
Perform fine adjustment of output signal. Available range
between -5.000 – 5.000 %.
Initial value: 0.000
[72] Output Span fine adjust
Perform fine adjustment of output signal. Available range
between 95.000 – 105.000 %.
Initial value: 100.000
[01] Lockout setting
Set Lock / Unlock of lockout setting.
Lockout setting enable
Lockout setting disable
Even when setting is ‘Lock’, it is available to move on to
each setting mode and confirm the setting value of each set-
ting parameter. In each setting parameter display, when
‘Lock’, ‘DATA (Locked)’ is indicated, when ‘Unlock’, ‘DATA’
is indicated.