ment that includes all operations for editing the
backing tracks. These include the option of changing
sounds, effects, text, cords and markers. This fea-
ture differs according to the loaded file format, be-
cause the Midi File can be completely edited where-
as AUDIO type files (Mp3 or Video) are only partially
Touch the OPTIONS button to enter a work environment
where several operations may be performed, such as
change the software language, assign pedal commands,
adjust screen brightness, view Software version and
much more.
Each of these 5 work environments will be dealt with
specifically in the following chapters and paragraphs.
There are 3 virtual “shortcut” buttons in the middle of
the screen.
is used for different ways to transfer the repertoire from
and to a PC.
is used to go directly to the Songservice website and
the list of latest releases. With Merish5 it is possible to
download the backing tracks directly from www.song-
service.it by using two purchasing methods: individual
backing tracks via prepaid credit or with the Flat ser-
vices called AllSongs . It is recommended to create a
profile in the Songservice website if you do not already
have an active account. To create a new account on
www.songservice.it click on “sign up” and follow the in-
structions to sign up. By purchasing the backing tracks
with prepaid Songnet credit, you become the owner of
the backing tracks you purchased, whereas with the
All Song service you can rent the whole Songservice
repertoire for a given period of time. The Songservice
catalogue includes a repertoire of over 16 thousand
backing tracks in MIDI files, Mp3, Mp3 customised and
Mp4 format.
The “FIND SONGS” button
lets you access the search engine to find the backing
tracks in the internal memory of Merish5 and in the con-
nected storage media.
When you upload a backing track on Merish5 appear-
ance of the main screen changes, and becomes as fol-
The top of the display shows information concerning the
backing track being played if any, the middle of the dis-
play shows the lyrics of the song, the bottom the lyrics
of the booked backing track (NEXT SONG), all the but-
tons on the right are enabled.
The following information is displayed, in sequence:
Format - Title - Artist - Marker (only active in Midi Files
and if any) - Tempo and Key - Beats
The “Marker” and “Tempo and Key” icons are interac-
tive. It is possible to click them to perform operations.
These icons are analysed better in the following para-
There is a scroll bar under the information on the backing
track being played. This bar features a round icon that
shows the song progress.
This icon can be dragged with your finger to the right or
left to go to a different point of the backing track then
confirm with the physical button “ENTER”.
Merish5 makes it possible to mix two backing tracks
automatically in order to achieve pleasant mixing for
the listener with no sudden changes. Any format of
music file can be mixed, Midi File, Mp3 or Mp4 video