Delta-AP Mon.Mixer L
Delta-AP Mon.Mixer R
Notice the S/PDIF In and Monitor Mixer names include “L” and “R” characters.
“L” indicates the left channel of the stereo stream, while “R” indicates right channel.
ASIO DRIVER OUTPUT DEVICES: The Audiophile 2496’s ASIO output
devices appear in stereo pairs. Because each device is stereo, you may see “left” and
“right” references within your software application. This allows the application to
pan audio left and right under software control. To send a signal to a Delta ASIO
output 1 (for example) as a mono output send, one would choose “Analog 1/2 Delta-
Audiophile 2496” for that track’s output port, and then pan that output hard left. The
ASIO outputs are named as follows:
WavOut 1/2 Delta-AP
WINDOWS MULTIMEDIA SETTINGS: Windows may be set up to use the
Audiophile as its default audio device, allowing system sounds to be played through
the Audiophile. This also enables you to use the Audiophile with the sound applets
included with Windows. To set this up, go to Control Panel | Multimedia. In the
Audio Properties page, set the Playback and Recording devices to the
Audiophile 2496 input and output devices of your choice.
MIDI DRIVERS: The Audiophile 2496 MIDI drivers, once enabled in your
software’s MIDI Setup, will appear as a MIDI source and a MIDI port within that
program’s track configuration windows. The MIDI input driver is named “MIDI In
Delta-AP”, and the MIDI output driver is named “MIDI Out Delta-AP”. Some
software applications allow you to redefine/rename these devices per supplied or
manually entered instrument definitions.
Windows may also use the Audiophile 2496 as its default MIDI device. This allows
the Audiophile 2496 to be used with the MIDI applications included with Windows.
To set this up, go to Control Panel | Multimedia | MIDI. Set the Audiophile MIDI
driver as the default Windows MIDI driver by clicking on the “MIDI Out Delta-AP”
entry in the driver list, then selecting “OK” or “Apply”.