Patchbay/Router Page
The Patchbay/Router page allows you to connect each of the Delta 1010LT’s hardware
outputs (4 pairs of analog outputs and 1 pair of digital output channels) to specific audio
sources within the Delta 1010LT board. To display this page, click the "Patchbay/Router"
tab of the Delta Control Panel.
The leftmost vertical column of Patchbay/Router page, "H/W Out 1/2," connects this
analog stereo pair to one of eight stereo sources:
1. The default setting, "WavOut 1/2," connects ports OUT1 and OUT2 to your
music software or Windows multimedia applet. In other words, when music
software plays audio to the device named "WavOut 1/2 Delta-1010LT" it will
be routed directly to the "hardware" analog outputs 1 & 2 of your 1010LT
breakout cable.
2. The second option, "Monitor Mixer," connects ports OUT1 and OUT2 to the
outputs of the Delta 1010LT monitor mixer. For more information of the
capabilities of the monitor mixer, please see the section "Monitor Mixer Page."
3. The third option, "S/PDIF In," connects ports OUT1 and OUT2 directly to
the hardware S/PDIF input on the Delta 1010LT PCI host card. The left
channel of the S/PDIF In is routed to OUT1 and the right channel of the
S/PDIF In is routed to OUT2.
4. The fourth option, "S/PDIF In (L/R Rev.)," functions identically to the third
option, except that the left and right channels are swapped. Therefore in
this mode, the left channel of the S/PDIF In is routed to OUT2 and the right
channel of the S/PDIF In is routed to OUT1.
5. Selections five through eight connect the hardware analog inputs 1 & 2, 3 &
4, 5 & 6, or 7 & 8 (respectively) directly to the 1010LT’s hardware analog
outputs 1 & 2. For example, if "H/W In 1/2" were selected, any signal
present at the IN1 port will be copied to OUT1, and any signal present at the
IN2 port will be copied to OUT2. This same behavior applies to "H/W In
3/4," "H/W In 5/6," and "H/W In 7/8" when selected.
The next three vertical columns of the Patchbay/Router page (from left to right), "H/W
Out 3/4," "H/W Out 5/6," and "H/W Out 7/8," connect these hardware analog outputs to
one of four sources. Since the three columns function identically, we’ll use "H/W Out 3/4"
as the example:
1. The default setting, "WavOut 3/4," connects ports OUT3 and OUT4 to your
music software or Windows multimedia applet. In other words, when music
software plays audio to the device named "WavOut 3/4 Delta-1010LT" it will
be routed directly to the "hardware" analog outputs 3 & 4 of your 1010LT
breakout cable.
2. The second option, "S/PDIF In," connects ports OUT3 and OUT4 directly to
the hardware S/PDIF input on the Delta 1010LT PCI host card. The left
channel of the S/PDIF In is routed to OUT3 and the right channel of the
S/PDIF In is routed to OUT4.
3. The third option, "S/PDIF In (L/R Rev.)," functions identically to the second
option, except that the left and right channels are swapped. Therefore in this